
How to wear a blue fedora hat with style and ease 

How to wear a blue fedora hat with style and ease 
Sky is the Limit, The Breeze of Grace and Moscato hats are our short brim fedoras distinguished by teardrop crown and medium soft brim upturned at the edges. They create a perfect luxe street style.

Short brim fedoras,

What’s great about them, is that they are very stylish but also very relaxed in style. They are not only perfect outdoor lifestyle accessories but also can be worn with an ease to informal parties, cafes, concerts and many other places where you can simply relax and look effortlessly stylish with a minimum effort. This very casual but also classy look is something you can really wear at any time.
This particular hat style and colour pairs up perfectly with jeans, t-shirt, blouse, blazer or jacket. When wearing a blue hat, you can try adding a similar colour to your outfit so it looks balanced and everything is colour coordinated, but you can also contrast the hat for visual interest. If you choose the second option, it will make your hat the focus of the outfit.
To contrast your blue hat, wear it with dark colours like navy or dark grey. If you love wearing lighter colours, pair it up with all whites.
Whatever colour you choose, you are going to create a truly gorgeous ensemble you are sure to make an impression with.
blue fedora hat with jeans dress
The Breeze of Grace and Moscato hats are both finished with French Vintage ribbons which make both hats look very elegant and interesting. Don’t be afraid to wear them with feminine dresses too. Make sure your outfit has a similar colour palette to the ribbon around the hat. This is a modern looking hat style that can be easily worn with either heels as sneakers. It will elevate your outfit to another level. blue hat with pink outfit
Sky is the Limit hat, finished with velvet ribbon in similar colour and custom designed polished gold plated hammered crosses on the outside of the brim, will change your look from simple to more rebellious.
You will look more interesting, simply because the detail is astonishing and as they say, the devil is in detail!  Wearing it, you will definitely create an edgy stylish look.  Sky is the Limit hat is a fairly neutral light-coloured blue hat and looks great with just denim, white shirt, t-shirt or navy. Wear it with gold jewellery or a gold accent in your clothing.
blue fedora hat with gold accentsrelaxed style blue fedora hat
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